Coral House

Community-Based Residential Facility in Oshkosh

Location Photo


Eight Beds, Community-Based Residential Facility

This residence provides services to people with a intellectual disability, mental illness, and traumatic brain injury.


24/7 awake staff, experienced at working with various client abilities. Very limited personal care services. Coral House will provide staff in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of the clients.


Situated in Oshkosh, this two-story house features two private bedrooms, three shared bedrooms and two bathrooms. Coral House is located in a rural area near Highway 41, which offers a large lot for outdoor activities. Transportation is provided to local activities, including the YMCA, shopping, bowling, restaurants, and vocational and educational day programs. Staff also provide transportation to medical and psychiatric appointments, other professional services, and scheduled community activities.

View program statement


675 Planeview Dr.
Oshkosh, WI 54904


Program manager TBD.